Construction Consultant Minneapolis Metro It was an originally a handyman business specializing in construction. After seeing an influx of competition in response to the recent housing crisis, we decided that the best way to adapt to the market was to take advantage and create sustainable affordable ownership and rental opportunities to stabilize neighborhoods. The theory is that because new home construction is down, those people who have the extra money to spend will be more likely to hold on to their assets and remodel existing homes rather than go out and buy a new home.Buy foreclosure houses that needs renovation, then improve the health, safety, durability and energy-efficiency of rehabilitated properties. The company will also be looking for existing property owners whose properties need renovation to update and increase its income potential. We also strategically grow the business by forging relationships and networking to the fullest extent, as this is the basis of the real estate industry. Our founders have a true understanding of what it takes to stand out in the industry. Construction Consultant Minneapolis Metro founding partners are astute professionals who are driven, motivated, and personally involved in the growth and success of this venture. Construction Consultant Minneapolis Metro, founding partners are professionals who are driven, motivated, and personally involved in the growth and success of this venture.